Thursday, September 24, 2009


Thursday, September 24th - It's just a few days into Fall and I'm still riding the bliss of hosting a wonderful Global Mala on the Boston Common on Sunday, September 20th. With Fall and the associations with harvest, I am reminded to reflect on the many things that make my life so full. 'There is so much magnificence' as the Steve Gold song goes.

In this season with my almost yearlong Neelakantha meditation practice with Paul Muller-Ortega, I am renewed by a quality of abundance rather than the past seasons experiences of deflation and wishing for more or changing things in my life.

I've had a full summer. I visited the Philippines a second time in June. At the end of July and the first week of August, I spent the week in Venice, CA assisting for my teacher, Shiva Rea. Then, I attended the first ever Bhaktifest in Joshua Tree, CA in September.

To top it off, at the 3rd Annual Global Mala Boston, over 100 yogis from the Boston area descended on the Boston Common to practice for peace and raise consciousness as well as funds for organizations working on important environmental and social issues. After last year's event which didn't raise any money, I was reluctant to help organize this year's event but the urge returned in July.

I was cognizant that organizing the event had to come from a well of joy rather than obligation. There are too many things in our life that we sometimes end up doing against our truest Self and we end up deeply exhausted rather than enthused.

I was happy with the turnout and further pleased when it turned out that Gaura Vani & As Kindred Spirits who were in Boston for the Ratha Yatra Festival could join our event ending kirtan (see photo above).

Living in the flow of life take skill and one of the skills that we can easily practice is living in abundance.