Thursday, April 2, 2009


You know the expression 'well you never really miss anything except when it's gone.' Today, after my third wave of some type of sickness, I am experiencing the 'fog' of my perception lifted, a little bounce in my step (i.e., don't feel heavy), and a sense of vigor to work on my tasks and projects at work.
So, I'm grateful for being in this body and living in these times and grateful for all my connections in this world from family to yogis and yoginis far and wide to brief acquaintances (i.e., the woman who joined my conversation about my Klean Kanteen yesterday with a stranger at Whole Foods). I take a moment to say a prayer for all beings to be liberated even for one moment from what ever ails them so they experience this freedom.
For what are you grateful today?
Take a moment to be still and allow yourself to hold that vision to linger like steam slowly wafting upwards from a warm drink.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

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